Join the Sacred Hunting Facilitator Training to learn how to create a safe container, how to facilitate transformation, and skills you need to be a leader in high-stakes family, community, and professional dynamics.
Humanity needs more masculinity, not less.
If you feel called to hunting as an embodied masculine practice, if you have the desire to hold space, if you know there is a leader in you ready to support others, and even if you have no experience at all with killing an animal... you're ready for the Sacred Hunting Facilitator Training.
"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." - Paulo Coelho
One of the greatest forms of growth as a man is leadership. To lead, one must be humble, one must have mastery and confidence.
Hunting and the natural world is a masterful tool for becoming a better leader. This training is not only for men who desire to lead experiences as part of Sacred Hunting, but for those who seek to learn and grow for the sake of their family, community, and world.
There is no place more healing and profound for masculine leadership.
To lead others, one must have exceptional emotional tracking, regulation, and awareness. We use Authentic Relating & Circling to initiate deep inner work & connection
Indigenous hunter-gatherers had an intimate relationship with nature and the mysteries of the universe. Reclaiming these practices boosts our sense of gratitude and presence.
Power plants, taken in sacred ceremony, have allowed men to expand their consciousness for tens of thousands of years. Examples include reishi, cacao, etc
"What is as valuable as a psychedelic experience and yet it's a teacher training as well. I feel like I'm walking away with tangible skills and deep, deep emotional transformation."
- Nathan Smith
Sacred Hunting Guide / Functional Movement Expert / Culinary Trained Chef
If you feel trepidation, hesitance, or even fear, it's totally understandable. After dozens of participants, hear what they say on the other side.
Leadership in the oldest practice known to man requires your highest self. If you believe you're ready, join the next Facilitator Training. Hunting experience is not needed as the L1 training is about transformation.
is the founder of Sacred Hunting. He has facilitated over 50 in-person events counting 3,300 hours of facilitation time. He is the founder of the organization. He is head facilitator and evangelist for the movement.
His indigenous name comes from a Crow Sun Dance chief. His spiritual lineage is derived from 8 years of mentorship from a Muskogee/Creek medicine man named Will "Star Heart".
Brave Legend is an Authentic Relating and Circling facilitator who brings a bold flavor of leadership. He deeply appreciates creating the space for others to authentically discover and express themselves. Brave is masterful at guiding collective groups to work together to create lasting and satisfying communities.
No. Our goal is to learn the foundations of facilitating transformation. This is defined as an experience of self-realization that expands or upgrades one's perspective in order to positively impact one's life.
No. In fact, even if you have been on a hunt, but never killed an animal yourself, this training will be valuable. This training is oriented towards leadership. Hunting skill is great and it is more common than the skill of leadership in the world of transformation.
We will be undergoing a hero's journey throughout the course of our time together. This will start with your own deep, inner work. Once we have unearthed the emotions and feelings within, we will move to the process of leading and receiving feedback for your leadership.
Practices included: sweat lodge, plant medicine, Authentic Relating games, Circling
Leadership in the oldest practice known to man requires your highest self. If you believe you're ready, join the next Facilitator Training. Hunting experience is not needed as the L1 training is about transformation.
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