Would You Like To Join Me On a 8-Month Sacred Heart Quest… A Brotherhood To Become An Embodied Man with Purpose?

This men's brotherhood begins Jan, 2023, consists of 3 Sacred Hunting experiences and culminates in a 3-day vision quest without food or water in the forests of Texas. Each group is limited to 10 hearty men.

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Here's How the 8-Month Sacred Heart Quest will Transform Your Life

Brotherhood & Connection

The Sacred Heart Quest membership provides the opportunity to connect with other men sharing our feelings, our struggles, and all without the distraction from technology. 

Sacred Hunting

Hunting is a spiritual practice. Committing to that practice for longer periods can have an outsized impact on your wellbeing, skills, and sense of accomplishment. This 8-month container includes 3 hunts.

Challenge Yourself to Grow

Nobody is too young or old to learn and grow. This group will force you outside your comfort zone physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to become a better father, son, and friend.

Here's What's Included

Monthly Gatherings

Each man is added to a special community platform where we will share wins and challenges. Each month we do not have a hunt, we will meet in-person for facilitated connection games.

Sacred Hunting

Throughout the 8-month container, we will have 3 separate Sacred Hunting experiences together. Each will be slightly different and tailored for brotherhood and growth for each man.

Book Readings

Curated book chapters and sections will be offered to set the context and amplify the wisdom of others. You will have an opportunity to apply these in the group and daily life.

Hot Seat Call

Throughout the 8-month program, you will have an opportunity to "hot seat". Whatever you'd like to discuss, process, or work through 1 on 1.

Journaling Prompts

To stimulate introspection and contemplation especially after powerful, embodied exercises (like breathwork etc).

Culminating in a 48 Hour Vision Quest

We will meet in-person to undergo a unique rite of passage performed by many indigenous people of North America for thousands of years: a vision quest.

  • Over 48 hours in a natural environment (near a tree, hill etc)
  • No food for the duration
  • No water (minus what's in agarita tea)
  • Quiet contemplation in nature asking spirit guides and nature for guidance
  • Celebration of life to bring the quest to a close

We use the process of prayer, offerings, and purification to go into the wilderness and learn from the subtle (and not so subtle) messages of the Earth.

Next 8-Month Container Starts In...









This experience is invite-only for select men who have attended Sacred Hunting and desire to take the next step in their life.

"At the end of the day, you always bring yourself. You're going to get out what you put in. However, Mansal holds an incredibly welcoming & inclusive space for you to dive in deep and explore..."

- James Murphy

Co-Founder & CEO of LMNT

"It's something I think about often... my advice for anyone who is considering the Sacred Heart Quest program is you get what you put in... I learned a lot both from the assignments & the peers who were completing them alongside me. You're doing it alongside other mindful men who also want it to be a positive experience..."

- Will Navey

How The Sacred Heart Quest Was Born...

I did not have the words as a 15 year old, but I yearned for a rite of passage that would bring me the wisdom to be an embodied man of service and virtue. It’s an ancient need that all boys have to become men. 

The Dagara people of west Africa have an initiation rite whereby boys are placed 20 feet from a tree and told to stare at it for hours on end in the searing heat. I heard a wise man recount his initiation as beads of sweat-drenched down his naked body, the scalding rocks beneath him burning his skin. 

After his body cooked long enough, the ants took notice and started to crawl and bite, something that he had to endure as part of his spiritual rite of passage.

I never had an initiation with this type of intentionality with hundreds of years of cultural lineage. 

My guess is, you didn’t either.


What I discovered sitting in a prison cell

The rite of passage I received was sitting in a Texas state penitentiary prison cell with 53 other inmates with no power or control over my surroundings. I spent three months suffering and resisting every step of the way. 

I watched movies to kill a few hours, ate sweets to momentarily forget my plight, I counted the days, and moped around glumly. Rock bottom found me curled in a ball on my prison bunk with my blanket covering my head crying silent tears to avoid showing prisoners my weakness.

But then something happened in me that I would have never expected and I am extremely proud of to this day…

I surrendered.

I accepted my situation and I invested every bit of energy into bettering myself no matter where I was. I read every book in the prison library, I journaled, I worked out daily, fasted, and ate as immaculately as I could. A survivor of Auschwitz, Victor Frankl, wrote:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

And so I did. 

And prison became what I now call “the best thing that ever happened to me.” Much like the pain that Dagara boys feel in their initiation leads to their greatest education and clarity of their purpose, the unexpected twist of prison gave me wisdom.

But in the hero’s journey that is my life, the real ordeal… the abyss that gave me deep pain and incredible gifts… was a girl.

I went into prison a virgin and (luckily!) I came out the same way. 

I had sex in short order after leaving prison, had my heart broken, and had my first taste of a shame so visceral and powerful it gave me nightmares. I didn’t share with anyone that I was a virgin because I was so ashamed and it was at that moment that I realized -- this shame is what sent me to prison in the first place.

I committed myself to healing the shame through whatever practices I could. Men's groups, jiu jitsu, authentic relating, sweat lodges; I tried it all.

These practices were incredible tools for healing and learning. Ultimately, they led me to one of my greatest teachers: my first four year relationship.

How heartbreak allowed me to turn pain into purpose

She taught me much throughout the relationship, but it was tumultuous and far from perfect. I showed up with my shadow and flaws. She did too. I often felt neglected and abandoned, a core wound and experience many men are familiar with…

But in my yearning for connection with the feminine,  in any way possible, I had three of the most profound experiences, which still shape and guide my work today.

Call it luck, call it synchronicity, or call it divine planning, but my first hunting experience came one month after a men’s ayahuasca retreat… and a month before another ayahuasca retreat in Mexico.

I found a relationship to a higher power, I connected deeply with my food, found healing through nature, & came into a new definition of masculinity. It was powerful to say the least. 

But like many, I refused to commit fully to the path set in front of me. My mission and purpose was clearly tugging at me to walk the path of a hunter with reverence and connection to the Earth, but I had old, limiting stories holding me back… 

I questioned my wisdom, I questioned whether I could make a comfortable living, and ultimately I refused to commit to that path. 

Then something happened, which is still very fresh, but was incredibly important in my development:

My partner broke up with me.

For anyone who has been through this (most of you reading), it’s a powerful human experience. Grieving, loss, sadness, dissolution of future expectations. You name it, I experienced it. But there was a silver lining… 

Most of the limiting beliefs and stories that I had holding me back from pursuing my mission, my purpose, my DHARMA… subsided. 

They receded with the help of more deep inner work, reflection, and curiosity. Suddenly, the imaginary story of providing for a partner and starting a family no longer applied to me and I was free to pursue what I was meant to.

Sacred Hunting experiences were born.

But bringing healing, growth, and learning BEYOND a peak experience into the daily life of men is a different story.

Because the boys of the Dagara tribe don’t simply sit in the blazing heat for a few days and gather all the wisdom from that one experience… they integrate that experience with elders who are steps ahead of them on the journey.

That is why I created the Sacred Heart Quest.

This program is right for you:

  • If you have male friends… but you wish you had brotherhood with men who "get you"
  • If you Sacred Hunting… and you want to increase your skill and make it a bigger part of your life
  • If you see growth as valuable… and you desire to be the best man you can possibly be
  • And, most importantly, if you have experienced and trust the healing and wisdom that Mother Earth provides… 


Next 8-Month Container Starts In...









Sacred Heart Quest is a 8-Month Program Culminating in a 3-Day Vision Quest...

☑️ 3 x Sacred Hunting journeys uniquely facilitated for brotherhood, connection, and lifelong friendships

☑️ In-person retreat from Friday - Sunday to sit in the wilds of nature on a vision quest & dieta

☑️ 8-months of exercises, book readings, & journaling prompts to embody greater masculinity in daily life

☑️ Community of like-minded men to maintain accountability throughout the program, create brotherhood, and lifelong friendships

☑️ 1-on-1 support for particularly challenging mental blocks or stories

☑️ Unlimited online access to revisit program exercises, prompts, and readings at any time in the future


How to Join the Sacred Heart Quest

Once I overcame limiting beliefs around financial abundance, I invested heavily in my own emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical growth.

By quick calculation of the “big stuff”, I’ve spent over $25,400 in the last couple of years alone

Your Investment: $750 per month for 10 months (or one payment of $7k).

☑️ 3 x Sacred Hunting experiences (Value: $11,250) 

☑️ 4 x Membership group calls (Value: $2,000)

☑️ In-person Sacred Heart vision quest (Value: $3,500)

I combined nearly $20,000 in value because I wanted to honor the men who continue to say "yes" to this practice, their own growth, and brotherhood. Only 5 spots left.

Click Here to Join

"It was incredible...Easily one of the best experiences of my life... I've never experienced anything like it."*

- Kyle Kingsbury

Kyle Kingsbury Podcast / retired UFC Fighter

Frequently Asked Questions

Each month we will have either a Sacred Hunting experience or an in-person group meeting. Between meetings, there will be specific suggested exercises and readings, but will not require more than 1-2 hours. This is meant to provide growth and introspection, NOT homework.

We will have the Sacred Hunting experiences + vision quest and dieta in the Austin, Texas area. You will fly into that city for participation.

The 8-month container starts January 2023. The Sacred Hunting dates are: Feb 10-12, April 21-23, and July 14-16. The vision quest is Nov 3-5, 2023.

North American indigenous people often used a vision quest for greater insight. This includes no food, no water, and a spot in nature for 4 full days. As a way of easing participants into this process, we only go for 3 days and small quantities of water is permitted.

South American indigenous people used a process called "dieta" (diet) where they consume a specific plant to develop a relationship with it and derive wisdom from it. The plant we will use is native to central Texas called agarita. An agarita tea will be provided as a source of water and connection to this plant during the vision quest.

Depending on the medical issue, we will discuss whether participation in the vision quest and dieta is possible. 

However, given this is notably less intense than the traditional vision quest or diea, it is probable that you can handle it.


50% Complete

Complete your sign up to gain access to our 22 Step Beginner Checklist to begin hunting