For Experienced Hunters

Looking for Beginner experiences for men?

"Like ten years of therapy in a weekend..."

For those who grew up hunting, adult-onset hunters or are ready to level up from our Beginner Immersions, our Experienced Hunters program offers more adventurous and challenging experiences. While previous experience with hunting is an important part of this program, seasoned hunters can expect to hunt in new ways.

At Sacred Hunting, we prioritize interpersonal connection during all of our hunting experiences. This means sharing circles and Authentic Relating prompts so that men can express themselves in ways they may not be able to back home. One attendee likened it to “ten years of therapy in a weekend.”

We hunt as a tribe, sharing the meat together as a collective. In addition to a focus on connection, we include many spiritual practices, some of which may be new to long-time hunters. These include practices like tobacco ceremonies, sweat lodge and power plant ceremony.


Upcoming Experienced Hunter Events

Check out what we have in store for those hunters looking for a next level challenge and experience.

Elk Hunting in the Rocky Mountains

To hunt for elk in the mountains is a rite of passage. It is a romantic, beloved, and effortful pursuit of a majestic animal and icon of the Rockies. Our Elk hunts combine connection-oriented and ceremonial components with one of the most challenging and gratifying hunts in North America.

Learn More and Apply

Hawaii/ Molokai Immersion

Axis deer hunting in Molokai, Hawaii is a combination of ambushing AND spotting/stalking when there is no available shot. We will start by learning and participating in traditional Hawaiian cultural practices and enjoy a medicine journey before and after the hunt.

Learn More and Apply

Are you a Sacred Hunting Alumni?

After completing your first experience with us, you get exclusive access to transformational outdoor experiences with special discount pricing. Find out how to stay connected to the spirit and fellowship of the Sacred Hunt.

What People Are Saying...

"This was among the more powerful, introspective experiences of my life. Something about the ceremony, beautiful setting, challenging physical work, and strong medicine, combined into an extremely deep trance state that I hadn't been in before. Weeks later I'm still working on integrating and reflecting on all of it, but needless to say it's going to influence my writing for the next few months, and it dramatically shifted my perspective on my life and work."

- Nat Eliason


"It took 3.5 years before I had my first real opportunity to harvest an animal... I lost interest until Mansal invited me... I felt re-invigorated, re-energized... when we set intentions, it really connected me to the reason I got into hunting in the first place... it was an incredible experience of camaraderie "

- Chris Marhefka

Coach and Men's Work Facilitator


Hear more amazing stories of transformation

FAQs - Experienced Hunters

Hunter-gatherer peoples were animists, believing that the natural world around them was alive and infused with higher power. Hunting and sustaining oneself with food was considered a gift from Earth. Sacred Hunting honors that ancestral lifeway in our hunting programs.

No. Sacred Hunting is an organization that emphasizes far more than the hunt itself. Every group includes group sharing and ceremonial aspects to create a transformative experience for every individual that attends. It’s okay if you’re not ready for this aspect or it doesn’t match what you are looking for, we aren’t always a good fit for everyone.

Each participant must meet physical and skill requirements to participate. If you join a hunt and cannot prove your capabilities (via our requirements), you will not be allowed to hunt and will not receive a refund. This can be mitigated by sharing your skill level with us on your Exploratory Call and we will ensure that we match you to an experience that is suited to your level.

A: Yes. There are occasional bow hunting opportunities with Sacred Hunting however, they are limited. If you desire to hunt with a bow on a hunt which we have designated as a rifle hunt (such as our Hawaii/ Molokai Immersion), this will come with an extra fee. Please discuss this with us on your Exploratory Call.

Yes. Taking some meat (especially organ meats) home immediately is possible. However, on all of our hunts, we treat meat “for the collective”, meaning that we split the total meat evenly amongst the group. Depending on the location, meat might be flash frozen and shipped immediately, hanged at a butcher and processed, or processed together as a group.

Sacred Hunting has a no refund policy. When we receive payment for an experience, we begin making payments to reserve spots. If someone cancels their spot after we have incurred fees, it is not fair or sustainable for the organization to be liable for refunds.

We are open to dialogue about mutual solutions and do often institute generous exceptions when it is possible to do so. However, people do not expect that you will receive a refund.

When possible, we will try to rollover attendance to a future date, however it is not possible to know with certainty whether we will lead another event of the same location and team.

Very rarely, an attendee that does not exhibit community-oriented behavior may be asked to leave/not attend an experience. This may be due to mental health concerns, violence, aggression or any behavior that may be a harm to other participants. This decision is at the discretion of staff members (and requires every staff member to agree to ensure it is a valid concern). Repayment or refunds will be handled on a case-by-case basis, but often not offered.

No. Hunting is done in the morning and evening. Power plants will be done during the day in nature away from any hunting.

Begin Your Hero's Journey Today.

Each participant must go through a screening process to ensure alignment between the individual and our organization and ethos. We look forward to connecting with you.


50% Complete

Complete your sign up to gain access to our 22 Step Beginner Checklist to begin hunting